Happy Gemini Season! Kittenscopes, May 19–25


Happy Gemini Season, Kittens! In addition to your bi-weekly Kittenscopes, enjoy TWO specially curated
#meowlists dedicated to Gemini season to cater to your everchanging moods.

Feelin’ sassy? See Side A: Don’t @ Me! Feeling emotional, vibey, caring? See Side B: Spill The Tea

Keep it fresh this season, Kittens!

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Happy Gemini Season, Kittens! Enjoy Side B of this double #meowlist specially curated by Greta Von Voss (@wolfcattt/@gretavonvoss) dedicated to the season and to all of the dynamic Gemini babies everywhere. Catch your Kittenscopes every other sunday: www.pussymagicheals.com/kittenscopes. Xo!

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Put the last seed of your optimism in the soil. Have patience and faith
comfort you while you wait for your spring. Keep your friends close and your wallet closed.


Halcyon waves pull you into the undertow.
The more you resist, the stronger it grips your ankles.
Swim with it.
It may be trying to show you something on the other side.


Your illuminating presence inclines
everyone to lean in this week. It would be wise to not be enamored
with all who are fascinated. Find out who really needs you.


Bedlam follows your heels closely.
You will be tested, but there is no one right answer.
Remember that it will serve you to bend before you are broken.


Your foresight sharpens in the wake of change.
Give everyone time
to catch on to what you already may know. If they don’t,
lend them your eyes for a better view.


Before your stability reaches the event horizon,
take frequent breaks to retreat inward. Fill your soul up with what makes you smile.
You before anyone else.


The bright Polaris and the virtue of truth guide you
as you move forward on the right path. Dance every step of the way.
Do one thing this week that scares you, Sagittarius.


The smoke has cleared but the embers still smolder.
Fire is destructive, but it also keeps us warm.
Make that choice before you settle back into your routine.


From the top, there is a certain order that lies in chaos.
If you stay at the bottom, you will never see it.
Commit to the destiny that you’ve been flirting with.


Although uncertainty is not an unfamiliar, you should make it feel unwelcome.
You can’t chase ghosts while wishing for material dreams. Dress in red to re-energize.



Forgiveness is elevating, yet your feet are still on the ground.
An ounce of gratitude can make a pound of difference.
Make amends with someone you love, even if it’s yourself.


A cluttered emotional space stifles as much as a cluttered physical space.
Return what no longer serves you to its proper owner.
Collect the pieces of yourself that you’ve left strewn about.




Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic.

She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs.

You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.