Kittenscopes, February 24–March 2

Happy Pisces Season, Kittens! In addition to your weekly Kittenscopes, enjoy this curated #meowlist dedicated to Pisces season to get you in the mood with some vibey Pisces magic.

Happy Pisces Season, Kittens! Enjoy this playlist specifically curated by Greta Von Voss (@wolfcattt) dedicated to the season and to all of the vibey Pisceans everywhere. Catch your Kittenscopes every sunday: Xo!


A wandering mind leaves little room to focus on what’s in front of you. You can’t predict it. Leave the future to chance.


Let your decisions come from a placated heart. A quick avoidable judgement could follow you. Breathe before you think.



Waves of doubt lap against the fortified sea wall of your confidence. Weather this, love. You have faced worst.



A symphony of emotion begins to well in your gut. Something isn’t right, but you don’t know what. Pull out the untuned sounds.


A crumbling facade gives way to the messy truth. It’s prettier in the light. Perfect moments are fleeting anyway.


Your undeniable energy is a force to be reckoned. Ride the high. Invite a friend. It will be here for a while.



Don’t waste your ambition pretending to have it together. Your best trait is the one you’re not using. Say a prayer to the sun.


Blend in to your surroundings to take it easy this week, Libra. Be as the breeze. Hide like the moon. Wear white.



If you’re swinging between the light and the dark, you’ll have to pick a side soon. Remember that a taste of vengefulness can halt your healing.



Stay out of the way of old habits. They don’t want anything from you except company. You’re fine where you are.



Focus on what you can enjoy not what you can’t control. Happiness can’t find you if you’re hiding in the mirror.



The balancing act between needing to be alone and wanting to have community can be unsteady. What’s your reasoning for both?


Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic. She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs. You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.

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