Kittenscopes, August 26-September 1


Find the beauty in silence
and let your eyes say the words
your mouth cannot speak. Passion seeps from you.
Make friends with a bird.


Make a decision
you’ve been putting off.
The closure will give you peace and
the peace will clear your energy.
Hold your favorite stone
close to your chest.


Take care
to stay with the rhythm
of the groove. Keep the time
and your balance. Climb
into your favorite book and get lost. 


Open up
and face the sun.
Abundance shines down
on you, keeping you warm
with gratitude. Write down your dreams
as soon as you wake up.


Something lavender will
empower you. Look at yourself
and let the mirror remind you
of who you are. If your plate is full,
take a few bites to clear some room.


Your intuition is
the compass on your quest for the truth.
Don’t stray
from it and you will be rewarded.
Draw, even if you aren’t good at it. 


Prioritize your time
to have more of it. Swim with the current
to reach the shore faster. Look again for something you’ve lost. 


Move forward
on any commitments you have. Your spirit beams
like a lighthouse on the coast. Stand tall
like the beacon you are. Do a thing you love.


Clean your favorite room. Create balance
in your life through keeping
a little chaos in your back pocket.  


Pick something up
the whirlwind left behind.
Blow the dust off and make it yours.


There’s no room
in your heart for injustice.
Stand up for what you think is important
even if you are the only voice in the room.
Be bold in blue. 


Be honest with your head
about what your heart wants. You burn with desire and
truth fans the flames.
Eat something sweet with a friend and
share a secret.


Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic. She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs. You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.