Neglected Altars


a haiku chain by Angela Yuriko Smith

I have neglected
my altar. The offerings
have gone stale and dry.

The incense lies thick...
expired dust covering
the cups and brass bowl.

And I wonder why
the milk sours. Luck has passed
to other coffers.

I must make amends.
I dust the shelf, pour fresh rum
and apologize.

The blessings return
as always. We only need
to ask to receive.


Angela Yuriko Smith is an American poet, publisher and author. Her first collection of poetry, In Favor of Pain, was nominated for an 2017 Elgin Award. Her latest novella, Bitter Suites, is a 2018 Bram Stoker Awards® Finalist. Currently, she publishes Space and Time magazine, a 53 year old publication dedicated to fantasy, horror and science fiction. For more information visit or