Hermit (Tarot Major Arcana 9.)

         Nation, home, and family become indifferent.
Later "to be of not to be" does as well…
    The seeker is sought by the sought, OL NOAN OL IPAMIS OL NOASMI,
               With a gourd for a head, a one-legged faun is sitting on a keg,

Jalal ad-Din Rumi, the demon with a gas mask, wakes among the roses,
     knows that only spontaneous, abandoned rapture,
                becoming ever conscious of newer dreams
      has creative strength,
behind decaying equilibrium is the laughter of sanctified anarchy.

      Does the finished verse provide visual experience?
                Or do the orderly squares of the stanzas create
some laced-together forced phalanx of rhymes?

That, which is good, appears to fall apart,
       incalculable proliferation of an amorphous growth
comes to pass, a line here and there stands on its head and only follows
              the rhythmic breathing of an exotic dervish dancer.

        Differences grow dim.
Fire, Air, Water and Earth become as one.
                 And an ever-quickening spinning movement
       draws us towards the inner secrets of the soul.

                                                       Translated by Leslie A. Kery

Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon) is a poet, anarchist, and occultist from Hungary. Earlier books: (szellem)válaszok, A Nap és Holderők egyensúlya. New: Kiterített rókabőr. English poems published: Quail Bell Magazine, Lumin Journal, Moonchild Magazine. Known spiritualist mediums, art and explores the relationship between magic. Follow him @azmon6.